
Professor Brooks engages regularly in conversations about conversation. Check out her latest press mentions and media, including guest appearances, podcasts, videos, business communication articles, research updates, and more.


If You Want Funding For Your Business, You’re Better Off Being Male And Hot

If You Want Funding For Your Business, You’re Better Off Being Male And Hot


| Feloni, R.

Business Insider

Why You Actually Shouldn’t Keep Calm And Carry On

Why You Actually Shouldn’t Keep Calm And Carry On


| Lavine, L.

Fast Company

Your Startup Is More Likely To Get Funding If You’re A Man

Your Startup Is More Likely To Get Funding If You’re A Man


| Ferro, S.

Fast Company

In business as in science, prejudice holds women back

In business as in science, prejudice holds women back


| von Bubnoff, A.


Study: Fight Performance Anxiety by Getting Excited

Study: Fight Performance Anxiety by Getting Excited


| Beck, J.

The Atlantic

Overcome Your Fears—Fast!

Overcome Your Fears—Fast!


| Heid, M.

Men's Health

Feeling Nervous? Don’t Try to Calm Down—Get Excited

Feeling Nervous? Don’t Try to Calm Down—Get Excited


| Bennett, D.

Bloomberg Businessweek

Get Excited: The Best Way to Conquer a Fear of Public Speaking

Get Excited: The Best Way to Conquer a Fear of Public Speaking


| Weber, L.

The Wall Street Journal