cafe lights conversation research


How do people tend to talk to each other? How should they? Using experimental and computational methods across hundreds of thousands of real conversations, Professor Brooks’ conversation research examines people’s conversational behavior and the psychology that underlies it.


Research Articles

Research In Progress

Course Materials

Research Resources

Research Articles

Boomerasking: Answering Your Own Questions
2025 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Speedy activists: How firm response time to sociopolitical events influences consumer behavior
2023 | Journal of Consumer Psychology
A practical guide to conversation research: How to study what people say to each other
2023 | Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science
Conveying and detecting listening during live conversation
2023 | Journal of Experimental Psychology; General
Relational diversity in social portfolios predicts well-being
2022 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Status variance: Higher variance in one’s status across groups improves interpersonal outcomes but harms subjective well-being
2021 | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 165, 56-75.
Worry at work: How organizational culture promotes anxiety
2021 | Research in Organizational Behavior, 40, 100-124.
The Conversational Circumplex: Identifying, prioritizing, and pursuing informational and relational motives in conversation
2021 | Current Opinion in Psychology, 44, 293-302.
The many minds problem: Disclosure in dyadic vs. group conversation
2020 | Current Opinion in Psychology, 31, 22-27.
Mitigating envy: Why successful individuals should reveal their failure
2019 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148(4), 667-687.
Seeker beware: The costs of ignoring advice
2019 | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 150, 83-100.
It helps to ask: The cumulative benefits of asking follow-up questions
2019 | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 117(6), 1139-1144.
It doesn’t hurt to ask: Question-asking increases liking
2017 | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 113(3), 430-452.
Risky business: When humor increases and decreases status
2016 | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 112 (3), 431-455.
Managing perceptions of distress at work: Reframing emotion as passion
2016 | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 137, 1-12.
Anxious and egocentric: How specific emotions influence perspective taking
2015 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144(2), 374-391.
A “present” for the future: The unexpected value of rediscovery
2014 | Psychological Science, 25(10), 1851-1860.
Investors prefer entrepreneurial ventures pitched by attractive men
2014 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(12), 4427-4431.
Get excited: Reappraising pre-performance anxiety as excitement
2014 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(3), 1144-1158.
I’m sorry about the rain! Superfluous apologies demonstrate empathic concern and increase trust
2013 | Social Psychology and Personality Science, 5(4), 467-474.
Can Nervous Nelly negotiate? How anxiety causes negotiators to make low first offers, exit early, and earn less profit
2011 | Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 115, 43-54.
How implicit beliefs influence trust recovery
2010 | Psychological Science, 21(5), 645-648.

Research In Progress

Feeling seen: How leader eye gaze engenders psychological safety, participation, and voice
Topic preference detection in conversation: A novel approach to understand perspective taking
The power of preparation: Brainstorming flexible topics before conversations begin
How verbal, nonverbal, and prosodic conversational cues mislead interpersonal inference
Boomerasking: Answering your own questions
The language of parole hearings
Backhanded compliments: How negative comparisons undermine flattery

Course Materials

Callbacks Game
2025 | MindlessPlay
Irrationality in Action
2023 | Harvard Business School Exercise.
SIMmersion: Immersed in Crucial Conversations
2022 | Harvard Business School Case.
Gong: Resonating Conversational Insights
2020 | Harvard Business School Case 9-921-015.
The Boss Has the Wrong Idea: Confidential Role Material for Julia Smith
2020 | Harvard Business School Teaching Note 920-053.
The Boss Has the Wrong Idea: Confidential Role Material for Lee Clancy
2020 | Harvard Business School Teaching Note 920-053.
Does It Hurt To Ask?
2018 | Harvard Business School Exercise 918-037.
Harvard Men’s Soccer
2017 | Harvard Business School Case 918-011 and Teaching Note 918-029.
La Ceiba: Navigating Microfinance and Relationships in Honduras (A)
2017 | Harvard Business School Case 918-014 and Teaching Note 918-016.
La Ceiba: Navigating Microfinance and Relationships in Honduras (B)
2017 | Harvard Business School Case 918-015 and Teaching Note 918-016.
Advika Consulting Services: Challenges and Opportunities in Managing Human Capital
2016 | Harvard Business School Case 916-033 and Teaching Note 918-038.

Research Resources

Eye Gaze Paradigm
2022 | A free research plug-in that allows researchers to simulate eye gaze between conversationalists (connects to Qualtrics)
Mind Sampler
2022 | A real-time, customizable experience sampling app (connects to Qualtrics)
2022 | A tool that allows participants to interact in real time via video, audio, or text chat interactions
2020 | A unified interface that contains tools to extract features from conversations
Text Analyzer
2020 | An easy-to-use suite of lexical analyses including LDA topic modeling
2019 | A free online tool that quantifies the forward motion of naturalistic thought through semantic distance
Politeness Package
2018 | An open-source R package that provides tools to extract linguistic features from naturalistic dialogue
Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR)
2017 | A portable audio recorder that intermittently records snippets of ambient sounds
The Lexical Suite
2017 | The Lexical Suite analyzes people's language in order to understand their underlying opinions.
2013 | A free chat tool that allows researchers to administer, monitor, and capture live text conversations (connects to Qualtrics)